Thought I would post some pictures of the barn I made all by myself for my rabbit's and my doves.
My wonderful brother gave me a table saw and a chop saw and I found the corner pieces on freescycle they used to be a canopy that collapsed from the weight of snow so they were giving them away and I grabbed them as soon as I saw them, most of the materials I used I had or was given, I got the wood myself but the wire and flooring and roof was given to me, I have the best friends I tell ya. I had an idea of what I wanted to do so I asked my brother and my builder friend what would be best and the next day I started cutting wood and painting, the painting took the longest and maybe putting the wire on was a pain cause it kept falling over as I was stapling it on, under the floor is just some left over treated 2/4s I was given I just laid them down and nailed the flooring to them, it's for sure not flat but it works for us, I was going to redo the floor but I decided to let it be for another year, this way I will have flooring for a few years, I have enough flooring to put a new floor down every year for 3 years if I had to maybe even more. putting the roof on was interesting it is in three pieces and needs to be redone but will be okay for this year, I lifted the front piece and pushed it up from the other end and slid it to were I needed it and nailed it on, my next roof will be larger well have more of a hang over part and will have shingles so no more tarps but I had to use what I could afford or what was given to me and I am happy with what I have for now. I only have 2 rabbit's I lost 2 this winter Lizzy and my baby Deagan, from old age so there is plenty of room for the 3 plus they have the run of my yard during the day so just a bit spoild lol.
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