Saturday, January 19, 2019

2019 began with a bang


So apparently the last 6 months are all about hubby lol, he recovered from the blood disorder thank goodness that is good news for sure, he can have a flair up at anytime so we just have to watch for signs. Then he got back to work for 4 days had two off and on the first day he was off our car died, I had no idea what was wrong all the lights and radio worked but when you tried to start the car nothing happened. It turns out our car alarm was on and draining the battery, see the fuse for the light pod that shows the alarm is on was blown so once we replaced the fuse we could see the lights going so got a new battery and then had to figure out how to turn the alarm off took a couple days to figure it out but got it done, in the meantime hubby had to walk to work because the car wasn't fixed yet so off he goes Thursday he gets home from work and says well I am tired but the walk wasn't that bad. Friday comes and he gets ready for work Set's off walking at 3:00 pm and phone rings at 3:15 pm it's my hubby and he tells me he just got hit by a car, well I freaked out of course was about to hang up and run to the end of the block but he tells me not to bother the ambulance is almost there and he will be gone by the time I got there, so off to the hospital he goes. That was the longest day ever because I got no news of what was going on and by 7pm I was ready to walk to the hospital so I called and turns out he was in a cab and on his way home. He has no broken bones just a lot of muscle and tissue damage thank god he didn't hit his head cause he rolled himself but still he was in and still is pain. It's been a week now and he is walking with a cane feeling a bit stronger everyday and the swelling of his chest, arms and leg has gone down. We are very glad that this is all that happened it could have been so much worse cause she threw him about 10 feet, but he is recovering very frustrated as heck because he just wants to get back to work but he is alive and that I am so grateful for even though he is driving me crazy being home basically for the last 6 months lol. I am doing okay mostly, being winter time my anxiety and depression is always high but I have had to much to do for him that I haven't had time to think, the last 3 days have been a bit harder because I have been able to sit and relax and think about stuff like how are we going to pay the bills? rent? food? and all the medical things he will need. We have talked to a lawyer to get an idea of what to do next but we haven't signed anything it's so damn hard to know what to do, I have some tell me talk to ICBC and then others saying don't talk to them get a lawyer, at this point as soon as I start talking about what to do my anxiety kicks in and I get nauseous and can't deal, so I have taken a break for the weekend and will start again on Monday trying to figure things out but if I could have one wish I sure would love it if someone would take this part on for me I just want to make sure my hubby is covered for whatever he needs and be fare also. So hopefully things will go better next week and this is also the last thing all year for hubby lol......