Friday, January 26, 2018

I think I am okay

Hey all sorry I have been away for so long, I wish it was because of some exciting news but no, I am doing everything I can to get through this winter but today I had a bit of a break down that I have been expecting for a week now. I am not sleeping at night but I can sleep all day no problem,So I know a lot of my problem is lack of sleep, but a few things have piled on just to add to the list, we had a fire where I live and because of that the insurance is putting a new roof on our building, in the middle of winter they are putting a roof on so I have nowhere I can go to get away from the noise because I am unable to leave the house right now,wasn't so bad last week because they wern't working above me but the next few days will be replacing our side, so I have been stressed out about that plus today the electioneer came through to inspect our breaker and power lines, very nice guy's but because I am having a hard time right now it really pushed me over the edge. Hubby is having a hard time at work right now also so that is added stress, it's just been a hard day and I am so glad it is over I just hope I can get to sleep. Cali our new cat is doing very well, she is attached to my hubby's hip it's so cute she just adores him and has got him wrapped already. Every critter is ready to go back outside they have had enough of being in and I can't blame them but will be a while yet before they will go out to the barn. Well I am going to stop there because I am actually very tired after all the panic attacks and tremors it's been a long day, let's hope tomorrow I can get back on track cause I miss writing.... 

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