Sunday, June 25, 2017

Clagon take me away hahahahaha

I have done all I can do it is up to others now hahahahaha ya I wish, I have so much I still have to figure out and get through life is just not that easy and nor should it be but I sure could go for less stress and more clarity as I am sure others would love also. It's summer and I mean it is summer the next 2 months in the Okanagon  it will be hot hot hot lol, I don't mind except that I tend to have to stay inside and look forward to the days it might rain so I can venture out for a bit and not get heatstroke in the first hour of being out. I usually tend to lose weight in the summer because I just don't want to eat anything except fruit and some veggies anything cold or I end up eating late in the evening when it has cooled down. I am fighting dehydration for the last 3 days and I can feel I am winning but not because I am happy about it lol I thank goodness that I have peppermint  tea or I wouldn't get any water in me. Today I planned on going to mow but I just can't handle the heat today so I have put it off for a day, not a big deal pretty soon I won't be able to mow because the grass will be burnt off but would be nice to get at least 2 more in this season just for the fun of it. I swear the weather is influencing everyone's mood  because we have a lot of short tempered people around me right now including my hubby, I can't blame him he is tired and hot as much as everyone so it's a bit like walking on egg shells here. I think today will be a good day to put the sprinkler on and let the kids run and play, if I wasn't so grossed out about the beaches I would see if I could get a ride and go for a dip but there is way to much crap and garbage in the lakes and plus I haven't the strength to be around a lot of people, some day I swear I am going to get myself a big horse rubber drinking bin and fill it with water and just lay in it in my back yard lol now that would make my neighbors laugh for sure and laughter around here would be nice cause there are way and I mean way to many hot heads in this place right now everyone wants to talk at once and no one is listening. Maybe a nap will help put the air on and veg for a bit who knows I may even feel well enough after to go play with the bunny's for a bit.

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