Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Boom Shakalaka Boom Shakalaka

Would someone please take this out of my head lol, for the past I bet 10 minutes I have been saying it over and over, I think I had just a little to much diet Pepsi today, you think?  Today I woke up around 9:30am because the guy's were coming over to adjust our front door so it doesn't screech at me when you open the door, they were supposed to be here at 11 am but showed up at 10 so it's a good thing I got up when I did, took them all of 3 min and it was done, I could have done it myself but if I did that the warranty will be gone so I let the guy's handle it. I managed to go visit a friend for a couple hours so I would say that today has been pretty good, I have had a few moments of tremors and panic but not to bad so I am very thankful for that. Tomorrow I am going out for a bit just down the road from our place so should be okay to go but will see in the morning cause with my mood swings right now I can't plan on anything. Hubby is home for 3 days after working 6 days so he is happy, at least I will see him for a bit in between his Xbox games hahahaha, yes he is addicted but it doesn't bother me to much cause at least he is home with me if I need him. It's such a dull life we live, I wish we could go see a movie now and then or go out to dinner but it's better for me to just set up a movie and watch it at home, no use paying to see a movie and have my anxiety kick in and have to leave, this way if I have to go lay down we just pause the show and get back to it or he just sits and watches it through. Besides the fact we can't afford to go out to eat now with my hubby having diabetes and me with food anxiety it just isn't worth the hassle, who wants to sit down to a nice meal and have to get up and drive as fast as you can home so you don't crap your pants hahahaha I know funny but reality for me. I will say that I do miss going out for a nice Cesar salad with corn meal bun, some day I should just go and pick it up and bring it home or make it myself, we do always have salad or we try to have it in the house all the time because we both love it but not sure if it is just my taste buds or what but I don't like the dressing that we usually get, I find it way to tart. My bed is calling me I swear it is, I have been trying to stay awake till at least 9pm but not sure I will make it, I seem to be sleeping a bit better the last couple days so maybe my meds have leveled out for me, I should have just kept the dose at what it was but my doc wanted me to try so I did try for a week well almost 2 weeks and it just wasn't working for me, I have enough struggle through the winter as it is then to be sitting crying all day about nothing, I could be in the middle of doing the dishes and wham crying starts, nose starts to run just a hot mess, so I went back to my original dose and feel much better, still have the tremors and anxiety through the day but I can handle that better then sobbing all the time. I have put my mood light up and have been using it as I sit on the computer and I think that has also made a difference. Well I think I will have some sleepy time tea and get ready to sleep tomorrow I have set my clock to ring at 9am so will see how it goes but I have to train my sleep again so I am not sleeping through my day so much, fingers crossed I think I can I think I can  oh great a new one in my head this may be a long night hahahahaha....

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