Saturday, November 4, 2017


Well it has begun lol, my moods are all over the place, one minute I am feeling good then I hit bottom and sit and cry, I am just so tired of this roller coaster. I am totally aware that a lot of what is happening right now is because my pill dose got changed and I am not reacting to it well, doc thought if she upped my night pill I would sleep better and in a way it has helped some, I am still up till 4am but then I crash till noon and that is the nights I do fall asleep, all last night I laid in bed and tossed an turned I just couldn't get to rem sleep till about 7am and I had to be up for 10am so today is going to suck for sure. The worst part is changing my pills has not helped my head to settle in fact I have so many voices in my head right now I can't even hear myself and that is not a good place for me to be, so I have decided on my own that I am going back to the dose I was taking and hope to hell this will settle down before winter kicks in big time. I am ever so grateful for the sun lamp a friend of mine gave me a few years ago, think I will be setting that up soon today. My tremors are back and I am craving chocolate big time so I know my calcium is low. I haven't had the erg to eat except vegetables and fruit, last night I had spinach and perogies not the best of dinners oh and I had some apple with peanut butter later on in the evening just to get some protein in me, I guess for this part I am glad my hubby went back to night shifts cause I don't have to make him supper I can have whatever I want. Today I am having tuna well that is the plan but I have to wait till I am not nauseous, hope it will go away before to long. So ya hubby went back to evenings not by choice that's for sure and I am not happy at all about it but what can I do, he is now working 4pm till midnight, in some ways I like it because it gives me time for myself but in the other hand I hate it because we don't see each other except for me to watch him sleep, so it sucks. The poor guy is having such a hard time because he now has to change when he takes his diabetic pills  and when he eats and he just finally had it figured out for days. My neighbor is having a birthday party he is turning 10, I can't hear a thing hahahahaha they must be outside in the snow having fun, think I will go and watch for a bit always is a great sight to make me smile and today I need that big time........

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