Sunday, January 15, 2017

Dollar store workout lol

Today I went to the dollar store walked around shopped for about 20 min got what I wanted and more of course went to my car and sat and sat the sun was out big time so that was great cause I had to rest before I could drive home, this winter has been kicking my ass I tell ya, I still have a cough but it's the weakness I hate but I am keeping my fingers crossed I think I am on my way to mending finally. I was told that what I have had is called the 100 day cough and for sure it has been that and more, thank goodness no more fever just have to be careful how cold I get cause once I get to cold it takes me forever to warm up but as they say this two shall pass. The best part of today was when I came home and saw some of my early spring flowers starting to grow I am so excited for spring this year, I have a lot of plans I want to do this year for my yard I just hope that I can handle the work, I am sure I can get it done just might take me longer to get it finished. Our Co-op office decided to get rid of the huge office desk that has been in there for years, I was the first person who had the option of taking the desk and I would have taken it for sure but I am to sick to move it and do what I wanted to do with it, I wanted to take the top off and put it on clasping legs so I can use it for cutting out patterns it would have been great I would have had to cut the width a bit but I have a table saw so that would of been okay but with me being so sick I just couldn't take on the job of helping to move it to my porch so my loss this time someone will get a great desk not sure if they sold it or what happened yet, they could have gotten a load of money for it because it was very old and a lawyer type desk very solid but oh well not my problem thank goodness lol.  They had a meeting and I couldn't go again I am going to ask to have the next meeting and I am going to have it on a sunday afternoon not 6:30pm I hate that I know for most that isn't late but for me during winter I take my meds at 6pm to start to shut my head off so I can try and sleep so by 6:45 pm I am gonzo can't play cards let alone listen to people talk about the same shit they always talk about, so funny cause I got a note from one of the lady's about something they talked about at the meeting, get this they want me to make up a parking map so people park in the right spot, I mean give me a fucking break you mean to tell me that people can't respect others to not park in there spot come on grow up for shit sake, and for another thing its winter I am not going out and drawing a map at this time of the year for one thing I don't know where people park down at the other end why would I, and besides all that 2015 I sent out 4 notices about parking and other shit how many more do I have to waste my time writing, obviously they couldn't give a rats ass, so I said to my friend oh I see the children were out in the sandbox again hahahahahaha she laughed thought that was so funny. I am sorry but if someone continued to park and block my parking spot after being told not to I would start calling a tow truck fuck it, they wouldn't park there again I bet hahahaha, at my end we don't have any problems at all everyone is so respectful and if they want to use someone else spot they ask first, is that not how it should be done?  I have never been around so many adults that act like children in my life, all this petty bickering all the time no wonder I had to take a break from this place. Winter sucks for me because of my S.A.D. and depression but this year is the first year I have really wanted to move out but I made a decision I am no longer going to do all the extra work around here I am going to concentrate on my own yard, I want to change some of my garden, would like to have some raised beds for veggies and just spend more time doing what I love and let the others worry about other crap cause I sure don't get any respect for what I do well that is a lie some people here are so wonderful and make it a point to say thank you for my work and those are the people I help out with yard work or other stuff they need, that's what my plan is to keep the positive people all around me and forget all the other crap, I am just way to old to be bothered with all this. It will be interesting to see what actually gets done I think a lot are going to see just what I do to keep this place running for grounds.... 

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