Monday, January 30, 2017

Worry Worry Fret Fret lol

That was my song of the day, I have been sick all winter and I am so sick of being sick and I am also so fricken tired of comments about what to do to make myself not be sick, thank you to the people that get it but the others can go kiss my ass, telling me I need to go see a doctor and get help or take more vitamins or??????  really you really think I need all this advice shoved down my throat, for one my doctor is very aware of how things are going for me and she is doing everything she can to help me get passed the winter blues and depression, we changed my meds a bit to see if that will help shut my head off a bit so I can sleep more then 3 hours a night and we are keeping a good eye on my blood pressure cause it tends to go low when I am sick and that just makes it harder to get better and ya some days like yesterday all I can do is cry and feel sorry for myself have a pity party for an hour, I really don't think that is a big deal let me have my moments then I get passed it and start fighting again and guess what I am winning everyday I win just a bit more, I had a bit of a set back and my cough is back again but I managed to get through all of today without breaking down so booooyaaaaa to me lol. Oh brb have to go check on my brats..... they are all doing well the heat lamps are working fine so maybe tonight I will sleep I can hope. Anyways so one day at a time that is all I can work at I just get tired of  feeling like crap and you push and you push all that you can to make everyday just a bit better, you would think that by the time Feb hits every year I would get it that every year till about the middle of Feb I struggle because the sun is coming out more and the snow is melting and it's all I can do to be patient for planting my garden but every year and if I think about it as I get older I think it hits just a bit harder because my patience level is that much lower so I just need to shut the hell up and take a breath and relax a bit and stop getting over emotional about something that will pass in like a week or two damn it, get a hold of yourself  hahahaha, Today when I was hanging the heat lamps I got so excited because I could smell my winter onions already, see it doesn't take much to make me happy all I can think about is having some poached eggs with onion on toast, if my tummy agrees maybe tomorrow will have to see I managed to keep my supper down tonight thank god was touch and go for about an hour but I did it. You know what is so bad I could scream for a huge bowl of chocolate pudding hahahahaha when ever I am feeling like this I know it is because I need some calcium and iron so tomorrow I am making a batch of spinach and I can hardly wait, I would make it right now but I don't want to push my tummy it's been three days of just having a bit of apple and cheese was going to have soup but couldn't get passed opening it without belly flops so put that back, I need to get some lipton chicken noodle soup I can always eat that in a mug my favorite but I forgot to get some last time I went to get food, maybe I can sneak off to the store tomorrow not going to count on it cause I have no idea from day to day if I will be able to leave the house without being nauseous, so that's how my exciting life has been, I know can Yardley contain the excitement, tomorrow is bath day for the birds now that is a happy time something to look forward to.....  

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