Monday, February 6, 2017

There is nothing I hate more then having shitty news follow good news

I have an attitude and it doesn't seem to be getting any better, I am just so fricken angry all the time there are a few reasons for all this anger so I understand where it is coming from but shit I need to get a hold of it before I say or do something stupid. We did get good news found out a couple days ago that our co-op did get the loan we wanted so all our windows and doors will be replaced starting in March, I am super excited about that maybe our bills will go down because all the heat won't be flowing out the cracks, I put plastic on the windows and that helps but would be nice if I didn't have to bother doing that every winter. I am a bit worried about having people here and working on our windows and stuff I get very nervous about that kind of stuff so I hope it is nice so I can sit outside and keep away from it all but guess I will deal with all that when it starts, so that was the good news that I was very happy to hear about. Then I was informed that the co-op wants to have a service done on each unit to clear the ducts and dryer vents now I am happy about that I have been here for almost 16 years and they have never been done but I am pissed that each unit has to pay half the bill now the bill won't be a huge amount but that's not what bothers me and maybe this is the wrong way to look at this but I just saved the co-op thousands of dollars by getting the ecap to bring me a free furnace plus they are going to replace 5 other furnaces in the near future so why can't they take the payment out of that money?  I may be getting petty about things because I am in a pissy mood and if I am well I am sure I will get over it but that's not all that I am mad about, I think the bigger part that I am mad about is someone who has lived here for a very short time is treating me like I am stupid and don't know how a co-op runs, I have been living here for almost 16 years I damn well know how a co-op runs and don't need someone who has been here for under 4 months try and tell me what is what. You know the saying there is to many cooks in the kitchen well that is what is happening here and I have had enough, you get in a room with 4 or 5 headstrong people and try and have a productive and positive meeting, ya not going to happen, I am just so damn tied of it all, it's bull shit to me, having to step away from co-op business for the last 2 months just hasn't been enough time I guess cause I sure as hell am not going to sit around a bunch of rude and inconsiderate hotheads trying to see who can over talk each other the most I don't have the time and frankly my time is way to important to me to waste it on this shit, so for the next week I am going to try and find something or someone to talk to to relieve this anger I have before I blow a fricken gasket all over this place........

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