Friday, March 3, 2017

Spitting Vile Mad !!!!

You know those days when you wake up and even before you open your eyes you just know you are mad, is it because of a dream or lack of sleep you just don't know why it is what it is, well today is one of those days. I can blame it on a few things like the fact that I ate to much yesterday and now today I am paying for it big time and can't go to far from the bathroom my poor aching butt, or that I got four hours of sleep and I am bitchy and tired, oh then there is the fact that I took the garbage out yesterday and saw that our garbage bin was upgraded to a larger one, now I know you are wondering what the hell that is about, see I am head of grounds were we live and as head of grounds I am to be informed about anything changing that has to do with grounds and once again I was not told, now you think big deal a bigger bin more room and that is true but what pisses me off is our committee had a plan for the recycling and garbage to be put back together and moved and now that can't happen because the bins are to big so now I have to come up with another plan and I will but damn it there is nothing I hate more then someone going behind our backs and changing things without asking permission, I had the same thing happen to us last year, I can't go into it on here but the response I got back to me is it's easier to ask forgiveness then permission, well that was the wrong thing to say to me pissed me off for months hahaahahaha. There are some changes going to happen around here very soon and as much as I am looking forward to them happening I am also stressed about it because I know a certain person is not going to be happy at all and could possibly make life uncomfortable for a while living here but it has to be done so I will just have to suck it up and deal with what happens but I don't have to like it hahahahaha. The good news is almost all the snow that fell the other day is gone again but and this is a big but they are calling for more snow this week arrrgggggg what can you do, not a hell of a lot for some reason I don't have a wand I can use to change the weather when I want, I know, someone forgot to inform who ever is in charge that I was to get a wand so now I have to sit and wait for spring like I am some normal person and it sucks 😏.  I got our income tax done and sent off another good year return I can't wait for this year before we get anything else I am getting a new computer, I was supposed to get one last year but I has mine fixed so we used the money for other things then 4 months later the computer's motherboard died, just figured thank goodness a very good friend of mine gave me a computer to get me through till I get my new one. My computer guy is going with me to shop for what I need I trust him with my life him and his wife are the best kind of friends you can ever have. We are very blessed with the friends we have, such good people just make life so much interesting and fun. For the most part we have a bit of bartering between us, I cut there hair for free and they help with computer and car stuff for us, it's a great help I think I get the better deal but they tell me we are all even. Well I think I will try and watch a show for a bit and maybe try and eat some soup broth it's a chance to try but I am hungry and I am not going anywhere today, it's a good thing we have two bathrooms in this house .......

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