Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Take a deep breath and carry on

In all my long life I have heard some horrible things said to me about my weight, my choices in life, my abuse I am surviving with and others but today was the icing on the cake, you see I was down town and a lady was walking with her child and he darted out on the road the mom being scared and upset grabbed the kid by the arm and pulled him off the road now I agree that she did grab his arm and jerked him maybe a bit to hard but I also know how she was feeling at that moment when this happened and just how scared it was for her to have him do that so I understood but this lady who was standing by me blurts out just loud enough for me to hear that people like her are why others abuse people, because an abused person will always turn around and abuse others, I stood there with I am sure my jaw held open I couldn't believe that anyone in this day and age could be so ignorant and spit out these foul words and feel totally fine with it, this person who I have never seen before doesn't know who I am has no idea who she made this comment to I have never wanted to slap someone in the face as much as I did her. This week has been one of the hardest weeks I have had because of a person who lives by me is causing so much trouble for everyone, I have always been so proud of the place I live and proud of my neighbors with all that they have done to better all of our lives here and I guess it's just like what they say that there is always a bad apple in the bunch. I don't know what to do I am at a loss I have so much anger and frustration towards them, every time I do something that I have been asked to do for the co-op I get a negative remark from this person so much so that I just want to stop volunteering my time and that is so sad. I have done so much for this person in the last two years because that is the kind of person I am if there is a need and I can fill it I am there, but how much do I have to endure before it's to much. There are some plans in effect and I try to keep my mind focusing on that and patience is not my strong suit for sure but I am trying. It's so hard for me to take the things that have been said without spitting foul words back at them, I don't want to be that kind of person so I hang on for my life and I guess really I have two ways to deal with it all, I can walk away and leave all the work I do to my neighbors and put more jobs on there back or I can keep my mouth shut and hope and pray that soon things will change and we will move on to a happier place, I don't answer to this person even though they think that all of us should, the jobs I have been asked to do have been from the group of us and I am not here to impress this person so for the time being I will try my hardest to keep my mouth shut do my job and well like Dora says just keep swimming just keep swimming.........

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