Sunday, March 26, 2017

What an idiot I can be lmao

This morning I learned the same old rule that I should not eat peanuts hahahahaha, my poor gut is churning and I feel like I have a hangover not a good feeling but as they say life goes on and soon I think it will flow very fast out of me hahahahahaha what an idiot I know better but they just looked so good, I am talking about the elephant peanuts in the shell you know the ones that I think every kid comes home on trick or treat and gives them all to there parents, I love that time of the year lol. Today I have plans that I hope I can get done, first I need to clean the bird cages in the house my finches and my love bird had baths yesterday so today I need to clean up the mess they made, then I need to go trim rabbit nails they shouldn't be to bad cause I just did them when I moved them outside, I like to check after they have been out for a month make sure there isn't any damage while they fist go crazy with the space and try and rip up everything hahahaha. I am trying to find some poles to place around my yard that I can just attach wire to on the days that are good for them to come out and run around, if I can't find what I want I might just put chicken wire all around the bottom of my fence and just let them out, I of course will worry like crazy the first few times they come out I always worry about the hawks and owls that hang around my place, if I could net in my yard I would let them run the yard all day and night but don't think my neighbors would like that, and I don't want to push my luck because they are supposed to be in there barn all the time but also no one cares in the co-op because I keep them so clean and tidy so it's not who lives in the co-op it's the people around us. Hubby just got home from work he is in a good mood today, I know how his day has been as soon as he opens the door, if he walks in saying hello and Jimmy our lovebird calls to him he will say hi Jim that's when I know he has had a good day, if he walks in and goes directly to the bathroom or his office/play room I know to stay away for at least and hour hahahaha. I was so hoping it was going to be a sunny day today but it is cloudy and looks cold so I think I will put off doing some more pruning of tree's till another day, I already did four of the plumb tree's I do every spring, no one touches them but me and everyone know to keep there fingers off lol, I am a self taught pruner from watching videos and talking to other who have done it and in the last two years I have managed to bring back two plumb trees back to producing fruit so no touchy I tell ya, I have two more large plumb trees to prune and two apricot trees, some of the apricot limbs I will be getting help with because they need to be chainsawed off, I could do it but I don't trust myself to use a chainsaw while standing on a ladder anymore just to scary for me so I pass on that part to a neighbor. It's funny cause I love pruning the trees the first four I do I don't even have to have a ladder I have cut them now so I can reach everything with just an extender pruner, so much better for the fruit also because everyone can reach to pick the fruit and we don't count on getting to much at least not from the bottom layer because the kids manage to eat most of them, that's fine we have the two big trees to pick from and what is sad is there is only a few of us that pick the fruit, well kind of sad and kind of not because that means the rest of us that love it get so much it lasts us a season. I have a bit more books to sort out and my office is almost done, I have three printers the one I use is just a black and white ink no color so I use that one all the time and the other ones I have kept because friends gave them to me but I think I will get rid of the other two and splurge and get myself a scanner this year, I have a secret and not many people know this about me but I have a bad habit that I have not been able to rid of and that is,,,,,I love to take things apart lol I do I have taken tv's vcr's computers and probably will take apart one of the printers because it doesn't work just the scanner works and it is so old no one will want to fix it cheaper to just go buy one, so there ya go another secret I have shared, see I take it all apart and keep all the screws and washers and anything else I think I will use later on, my hubby thinks I am silly but I haven't had to buy screws for almost anything I make cause I have what I need, just if I need large screws then I have to buy some, I tell him I am saving money but to be honest I just like to rip things apart hahahahaha, okay I have sat long enough time to get this day going, I think it just might be a good one.......😎

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