Friday, March 31, 2017

Welcome to Spring Yippiii

I am so excited the last two days have been so nice I have spent almost all day outside, just feels so good to have fresh air and sunshine just amazing. I have spent the last three days working on our co-op's shed, I decided this year I am not fighting with everyone putting tools back were they belong so I went to the dollar store and purchased a bunch of tool brackets, what a great deal you get 5 brackets with hardware for $1.25  I mean how crazy is that, so the first day I had to move all the lawn mowers out now that may sound silly cause usually people only have one or two, well not us we have three electric for personal yards, two smaller gas, one industrial Toro and the best one of all my riding lawn tractor, so the first hour I spent moving crap out of the way, vacuumed up all the mice crap, not a fun job there and sweeping the floor of grass and nails and screws that people have dropped and just not picket up. Then I got my drill and started hanging stuff, omg what fun I had, I am a tool girl I love all kinds of pruners and snipers, rakes heavy duty and light duty, I myself have a table saw,chop saw, grinder, drill press and way to much of the smaller tools to write, I am not sure were I got this love of building I was never taught just started to learn how to do stuff because both my first hubby and my current hubby have no experience at all can hardly use a hammer lol, so if I want stuff done I have to do it myself, now if it is a big project I have a couple friends that will come and lend a hand but I usually attempt to do it myself first. So I got half the shed done after two days of about 4 hours or more work and I had to stop because I need more brackets and was to tired to go to the store so maybe tomorrow. There is nothing that makes me angrier then someone taking stuff out of the shed and when they return it they open the door and put it in the corner and leave, last year I had to clean the shed three times just to get the lawn tractor out to mow, after the third time I wrote a notice and told everyone that if they don't keep the shed tidy grounds will put a new lock on and no one else will be able to go in, that seemed to help till the end of the season then it's back to a mess. I mean come on I am not dealing with children you have to be over twelve years old to go into the shed and use things, no this is adults who most are in there forties, just no respect for anyone or anything, so this year I hope will be much better instead of things hanging on nails everything will have it's spot and easy to see the tools you need and where they get put back, I am almost thinking of putting signs above the racks so people now were to put things back, shouldn't be to hard I am sure there are coloring book pages I could use. Kind of sounds ridiculous but that is what we live with here and I for one have had enough, they get one more chance and after that what will happen is everyone will have to purchase there own tools and lawn mowers and the co-op will stop buying them for all to use. I wish I could say that I have slept good after all that work but it is the opposite again, another reason I didn't want to drive to the store not on two hours of sleep, so tonight I am biting the bullet and taking a sleeping pill, I hate to take them but if I have one more night of no sleep then things will get very bad I walk into things, cant speak, start to say things backwards and just over all feel like I have been hit by a bus so this girl is going to sleep tonight even if it kills her hahahaha....

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