Friday, April 15, 2016

I have heard it all

Well there are some different people out there but I come across some doozies, I have a fish tank and for the last few years I have been giving guppies to anyone who wants them to keep my stock down, they will breed so fast that before I know it my 45g tank is so full, so I put an ad out for free guppies, well today I get a mess that the person wants to see pictures and measurements, well I am not going to bother doing that so I said they are normal guppies not a lot of color just average age from baby to teen and free. About an hour later I get a mess back from this person asking me if I am a rescuer of guppies, lol  I said to my hubby yes I make it my sole life meaning is to rescue guppies hahahahahahahaha,  I mean come on there lousy guppies and free what more can you ask for, my hubby is like whatever you do don't answer her back we don't want someone like that knowing were we live lol  like duhhhh.  Well they say it takes all kinds lol. Think I will take them to the pet store and forget about worrying who will show up for these precious fish lol.....

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