Sunday, April 17, 2016

Spring clean up

So our Co-op did it's spring clean up and was the best clean up we have had in many years, so many people came and worked very hard and it shows big time, I am very proud of everyone the only flaw in the day was I got heatstroke, I got so mad I did everything I could to not get sick but still hit me so I am stuck in the house for a few days, been drinking loads of my peppermint tea and that has helped big time. I wore a hat and kept water with me all day but working along the parking area did me in, one other lady who was working with me also got sick so I said next year the Co-op is going to buy a small gazebo that we can move to the area's we are working lol, not sure how everyone will feel about that but if they want our help then we have to do something to guard us from getting sick. I came into the house about 3pm after having the barbecue and went to bed and didn't get out of bed till 2 pm the next day, today has been better I am still having some cold chills but have managed to keep my food down and drink lots so I am hoping tomorrow will be better but I am not going to push it cause I know you can feel better then it can hit again, my flowers got watered and my pets are all happy so I can stay inside for a couple days if I have to, I do have to go clean the litter boxes in the barn so I am going to sneak out early in the morning there is only 2 to clean now that Sam has everyone littered trained he is such a wonderful rabbit. All my tulips are out in full and everything I planted is already shooting up so I am excited about that, as soon as the irrigation is fixed then watering will be easier good thing it's not overly hot yet. I was going to take T.T. outside tomorrow but will have to wait a couple more days, I also had to put the cleaning of the rental house on hold for a few days, thankfully they are such wonderful people and understand what is happening so it will get done just might be next weekend. Dean cooked chicken patty's and fries for his dinner and burnt them to a crisp hahahahaha  he was so upset I told him not to worry it happens and I like burnt fries so I ate a few of them, so he made perigees instead lol, he said to me let's see if I can burn water next hahahahahaha, tomorrow I want to make dinner not sure what I am going to make, I couldn't manage to make dinner tonight I am so weak and shaky so I hope tomorrow I can stand if not I might make some banic and soup actually that sounds wonderful it's a plan he will be happy with that. Well I am going to get ready for bed my cat is bugging me for attention so  have a great night all....

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