Monday, July 4, 2016

Well that serves me right lol

Happy Birthday to me lol, so I guess I should have kept my mouth shut because just after I wrote my last blog the cramps from hell started and OMG I am dying lol, yesterday at about 5ish I had to go to bed with my heating pad and try and sleep, slept till 8 then I was up till about 2am then went back to bed with the heating pad and slept some more but was not a very comfortable sleep, and today I am up and dressed had a shower and now I am sitting here waiting for the next batch of pain killers to kick in so I can walk down stairs, I swear I haven't done anything to be punished with this damn stuff lol, oh well has totally took my mind off of how old I am all I can think about is the razors in my gut hahahahaha. I did wake up to loads and I mean loads of birthday wishes on facebook that was such a great wake up, I am very blessed with friends and family who care, I don't get to see most of them because of my terror of travelling but at least I can keep in contact with them all and still be involved in there life weather they like it or not lol. Yesterday just as my pain meds kicked in I ran to the store and got me my yogurt treat for my day, yes I got frozen chocolate greek yogurt and OMG is it good, I also got coconut and cappuccino yogurt so I am set for a few days, I am secretly hoping my hubby brings home dinner today will have to wait and see all I know is I am not cooking today so he can make soup and sandwiches if he doesn't bring chicken home. I threw out the rest of the turkey I cooked the other day and let me tell you there was nothing left lol he had a good feast for a few days, I have one more turkey in the freezer but will save that one for a few months, I did manage to have a couple plates of it but I wish we had got some cranberry's but I was just glad I could eat a bit, I am hoping our next turkey we can get cut in half that way it will be easier to cook and we will get more meals out of it, I would have froze some if there was any left but Dean will not eat it after it has been frozen he doesn't like the taste but I don't care, what I should have done is sneaked some and put it away before he had a chance to eat it all lol oh well next time. So I think I will bug off for a bit feeling like I can make it down stairs want to go check on my brats then I am going to do some shooting on xbox lol,  later gators......

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